Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Jack White, Defend Your Awesomeness

So I was all set to do a long overdue write-up on Fiona Apple today, but then I saw this: Jack White, previously heralded as the “Coolest Guy in the Universe” in this blog, has done a commercial for Coca-Cola. I’ve known this was coming for some time now, but I was in denial until the YouTube screen was staring me in the face. Clearly, we must now call the awesomeness of Jack White into question.


Exhibit A: The Commercial

On the one hand, it is The White Stripes shilling for Coke (I'm assuming Meg was in on this too), and the ad is strangely reminiscent of their video for "the hardest button to button", if said video were set in Ronald McDonaldland. On the other hand, it’s a damn catchy jingle, so props to Jack for earning that dirty corporate paycheck.

Exhibit B: The Raconteurs

When Jack isn't rocking with his sister/ex-wife or selling soft drinks, he's been working on a project with fellow Detroit rocker Brendan Benson and The Greenhornes of Cincinnati, Ohio called The Raconteurs. The album, Broken Boy Soldiers, isn't out 'til May, but naturally, it already leaked, and naturally, it’s unbelievable. Plus, Jim Jarmusch, director of the awesome Bill Murray-looks-sad flick Broken Flowers, did their music video for lead single Steady As She Goes.

The Raconteurs- Broken Boy Soldier

THE VERDICT: As long as Jack White keeps rocking in multiple bands like this, he can sell whatever red and white color schemed product he wants.
On another note, with two weeks left of class and about 5 papers still unwritten, I’m thinking the blog posts may go on the backburner for a bit. I’ll try to send a few dispatches from academic hell to keep y’all entertained, and come back to a regular schedule once summer starts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That tune is exceptionally catchy, but still,
you bring up a good point of is jack white really the coolest guy for "giving into the man"?
(though, glad it's coke and not pepsi..haha can't tell which one i prefer, if i were to drink a cola)

11:36 PM  

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