Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Challenge To America's Youth

Well, boys and girls, prom season is upon us. It's a special time to be a young American, in which dreams are fulfilled and magic is in the... ah, screw it.

For most of us, prom is a comedy in errors. We flip out about who to ask, get lost on the way there, can't pin the corsage on right, etc etc. Yet when we look back, we can't help but smile for the times we shared with friends, or just for the sheer goofiness of it all.

Today, I'm offering one lucky young person out there the chance to have a guarunteed classic memory from their prom experience. Now, I know not a lot of high school kids out there read my blog- alert younger siblings, or use this yourself for the college soiree of your choice.
(the pic, btw, is of yours truly at my Junior prom.... see? I'm laughing already!)

The instructions are as follows:
1. Find the lucky girl/guy you'd like to take to the dance.
2. Obtain a portable boombox of some sort
3. Walk up to them in the hallway at a convinent interval with said boombox
4. Play this song, and mouth the lyrics (dancing also encouraged)

You may not get the date (in fact, i'll pretty much guaruntee you won't, unless they've got a *terrific* sense of humor), but several years down the road, when you've recovered from all the shame and embarassment, you will laugh your ass off.

And that, my friends, is what prom is all about.

hellogoodbye-jesse buy nothing, go to prom anyways
[website... these guys are about to become emo mall-punk darlings, but I love them anyway]


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