Friday, March 17, 2006

"Don't tell me you don't know the difference, between a lover and a fighter..."

I was all warmed up for a rant tonight about this article from today’s New York Times which essentially ties together modern mall-emo-punk-crap such as Fall Out Boy to the 70s glam rock period exemplified by David Bowie. At the last minute, however, I had a change of heart—I’ve done well here to keep a positive outlook on music and culture, to build things up rather than to tear them down, so why stop now?

So in lieu of some angry bitter ravings about how pop music is all going to hell blah blah blah, I’m going to be a uniter (thanks, George!) tonight and highlight a band I’m pretty well convinced its impossible to dislike.

I came across Modern Skirts via Paste Magazine, perhaps the best source for finding that next great band you haven’t heard of yet, and their latest find is no exception. Out of the Athens, Georgia music scene comes this irresistibly catchy piano driven pop music (think Ben Folds, but slightly peppier) that pulls you in and won’t let you go. This is perhaps best evidenced by the fact that after listening to their contribution to this month’s Paste Sampler CD, I compulsively reached for the back button on my car stereo to hear it again… and again. This is not a common practice for me.

Anyhow, while it’s too soon to tell whether these guys will be a flash in the pan in terms of my musical tastes *cough*Dogs Die in Hot Cars*cough* or will be sticking around for a while, I do know that for the moment, it’s some damn good music:

Modern Skirts- Seventeen Dirty Magazines
(also, MySpace for more... I HIGHLY reccomend "My Lost Soprano")


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